IS415 AY22-23 Project

About Us

Hello! We are G1T7, Nguyen Mai Phuong, Kwan Kai Xuan Belle and Rhonda Ho Kah Yee.

Our Purpose

This project is created for an IS415 Geospatial Analytics & Application, a module in Singapore Management University (SMU) with the guidance of Professor Kam Tin Seong.

Our Project Theme and Goal

The theme for this project is Spatial Point Analysis, and our goal is to provide a user-friendly analytical app that simplifies the process of understanding the amenities available in the vicinity of prospective HDB buyers. By utilizing advanced spatial point pattern analysis techniques, the app visualizes the distribution and clustering of relevant amenities, providing a tailored view that empowers HDB buyers to make informed decisions and feel confident in their chosen residence. To view more of our project deliverable, click here.